Food Trees Going in the Ground!
Leave a CommentPosted November 21
With your help, we have planted more than 21 food-bearing trees this season! We supported the Russell Heights Community Housing neighbourhood plant fruit and nut trees and shrubs on their property, here is a 1-minute video that captures the action.
Posted November 14
Tomorrow marks our first community tree planting. With more than 10 trees donated by many individuals and organizations towards the neighbourhood of Russell Heights Community Housing, the day is already a success. Huge thanks to everyone who was able to support Russell Heights!
Join us if you can to put the trees in the ground – there will be hot apple cider at the outdoor work party. November 15th from 1:30 to 4:30. Russell Heights Tree Planting Details – November 15, 2012
Is it good for trees to go in the ground this late in the season?
We’ve had a few people ask – good question! Here is what the folks at the tree nursery tell us about why they love planting in the fall: “We dig our trees out of the field in the fall once they have gone dormant. As long as the ground is not completely frozen they can be safely transplanted. This is essentially the same as planting a dormant tree in the spring. Since the tree is already asleep it really won’t feel a thing!”