Archive: Aug 2019

  1. Volunteering with Hidden Harvest at Beau’s Oktoberfest 2019

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    Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Hidden Harvest at Beau’s Oktoberfest 2019!

    Beau’s All Natural Brewing Company has given us a great opportunity to raise funds to support Hidden Harvest in rescuing more fruit. Not only are they donating the money raised at the Oktoberfest Midway, but they are also offering our volunteers the complete “Volunbeer” package, giving YOU free admission to the festival for the whole weekend, a free beer token & many other perks in exchange for helping us raise money.

    By signing up to help us run the Midway games, you get bragging rights for helping support our fantastic local charitable initiative PLUS all volunteers who sign up will receive:

    • FREE admission to the festival for the whole weekend
    • Ticket to the exclusive volunbeer party
    • Volunbeer Hat!
    • Drink Token
    • Transportation to and from Ottawa if needed.
    • FREE Camping
    • & More…

    The volunteer tasks we need your help with include:

    • REALIZING YOUR DREAM of becoming a Carnie and running a carnival game like Ring Toss, Bumper Crop, Cliffhanger, or Roll in Ze Hay!
    • Helping with set-up and tear down
    • Running our super prize table
    • Working the cash booth
    • Jack-of-all-trades (aka relief) to give other volunteers breaks

    SIGN UP HERE if you would like to volunteer!

    Please read our step-by-step guide to signing up and registering for shifts below.

    Step 1:

    Go to this website, and hit the “Click here to Volunbeer” button.

    Step 2:

    You’ll be taken to the InitLive page, which should look like this…
    Then, click “Signup for This Event”.

    Step 3:

    First, InitLive will ask for some basic information. This year, the Hidden Harvest Midway volunteer signup will be integrated with the regular Beau’s Volunbeer signup (woohoo!) to make it easier and smoother for you (and us!).

    Step 4:

    Enter the qualifications that apply to you!

    *NOTE* To be able to volunbeer with the Hidden Harvest Midway you have to check off the first 2 boxes – that you are 19+ as of September 21, 2019 and that you are a GREAT team player, follow instructions quickly and efficiently, and provide excellent customer service.

    Step 5:

    Select the roles you would like to work! You are welcome to choose any roles that interest you, but don’t forget to scroll down and check off MIDWAY VOLUNBEER WITH HIDDEN HARVEST! (definitely the most fun role!)

    Step 6:

    Select the shifts you would like to work. Choose whichever shifts work for you. Preference will be given to those who choose 2 or more Midway shifts.

    This year we also want to make sure all of our Volunbeers get time to check out the rest of Oktoberfest, because there is always so much awesome stuff to check out!

    Step 7:

    Congrats! You’ve signed up as a Volunbeer with the Hidden Harvest Midway at BEAU’S OKTOBERFEST 2019! Woohoo! Thank you for helping support Hidden Harvest – we can’t wait to work with you!

    If you have ANY questions, comments or concerns about volunteering at Oktoberfest? Please send an email to !

    We’ll see you at the Midway!

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