Archive: Sep 2020

  1. COVID-19 Guidelines

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    Hidden Harvest Ottawa (HHO), recognizes the gravity of the current context of COVID-19, and has established COVID-19 Guidelines to ensure the health and safety of our volunteers, tree owners, food agency staff and volunteers, and the general public during this harvest season.

    We have heard from food agencies that a lot has changed for their neighbours, and that there is now more need for fresh food in their communities. We also recognize that there are significant challenges this year for food agencies to serve their clients safely, and that agencies may not be able to accept the same kinds of fruit, the same amounts, or offer the same window of donation time. We aim to do our best to lessen the administrative burden to food agencies, while still donating fresh fruit that is in need in our community.

    We understand that HHO Neighbourhood Leaders (NLs), volunteers and tree owners may or may not be able to support fruit picking with HHO this year, given the variety of risk factors and circumstances we are presented with in these pandemic times. We respect whatever decision individuals make for themselves and their families. Participation this year will in no way impact future participation opportunities with Hidden Harvest.

    We strive to be conscientious, responsible, supportive, and respectful of each other and the safety Guidelines that we ask everyone to uphold. The strength of our group is in the trust and dependability between every autonomous individual involved. We trust you to use common sense, to be kind, and err on the side of extra precaution, during this pandemic.

    These Guidelines below go into details regarding our operations, and have been developed in consultation with the HHO Steering Committee, several NLs and key volunteers, fruit picking and sharing organizations across North America, with information from local and national health authorities. It outlines minimum standards to be followed.

    Changes may be made to these Guidelines in response to new information or guidelines from Public Health agencies. Please review the latest Guidelines posted in advance of your involvement to ensure you are compliant.

    Thank you for your time and for your continued support and engagement!

    Guidelines for volunteer Fruit Pickers
    Guidelines for volunteer Neighbourhood Leaders
    Guidelines for Tree Owners
    Guidelines for Food Agencies and donation centres

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