Maple Tree Tapping in
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
March 4, 2017
While winter may bring a (temporary) halt to the harvesting of fruit and nuts, we Canadians know
that from approx. February – March our local maple trees start producing that liquid gold
sap! Understandably, we are often contacted by members of the community regarding our
involvement in and knowledge of tree tapping and syrup production. While we are happy to support
local initiatives such as…
You’re Invited to Volunteer Intro Hour
June 10, 2014
This year we have partnered with Bridgehead to host Volunteer Intro sessions at local
coffeehouses to chat about how you and your neighbours can get started finding your Hidden
Harvest this year.
Join us for this short event if you’re curious to learn more about Hidden Harvest, our harvest
events, our food tree search, future workshops, and if you’re keen to help out.
Some questions we will…
Help Find More Fruit: Printable Flyers
February 2, 2014
“What can we do to help!?!”
Answer: WANTED: More Trees to Harvest! Help us obtain permission to harvest more food-bearing
Currently we have permission to harvest about 20 trees, yet there thousands of food bearing
trees here in Ottawa hiding…
Volunteering to Pick Fruit
June 16, 2013
A Hidden Harvest Ottawa “Harvest Event” consists of a small group of volunteers
picking fruit from one or two trees. All harvesting equipment is provided and the Lead Harvester
will give you an run-through of how the harvest works at the beginning of each harvest. It
usually takes about 2 hours to harvest one large tree.
If you would like to pick fruit with us, here’s an overview…
Eating food from urban trees?
June 13, 2013
Yes! You can eat urban fruit and nuts!
More and more cities are jumping on board urban fruit and nut harvesting – Ottawa is by no
means the first. Hidden Harvest has learned a lot from food rescue friends in Toronto, Edmonton,
Calgary, Winnipeg, Victoria, Halifax, Montreal, and Vancouver – just to name a few.
Recently, a list of urban harvest organizations was compiled by Alternatives…
What is
a Harvest Event?
May 16, 2013
A “Harvest Event” is when a group of volunteers gather to pick fruit, nuts, or
grapes which would otherwise go to waste.
On average, five volunteers will spend two hours harvesting a tree or two. Each harvest event
will be arranged and led by a Neighbourhood Leader (aka Lead Harvester).
Find the event
When you
About our Map
October 29, 2012
The green dots () on our
map show the
City-owned trees which may produce edible fruits or nuts.
We say “may produce” since some trees are too young (eg. a Turkish Hazel may not
produce a yield until its 4th or 5th year) and other trees may not yield fruits or nuts at all
(eg. all ginkgo trees are listed…