Hidden Harvest
Ottawa’s 5 Year Strategic Plan.
April 25, 2018
Strategic Planning Process
Each year, our
Steering Committee (formerly known as our
Advisory Committee), our staff, some key volunteers, and some partners get together in the
depths of winter for warm drinks, food, fellowship and strategic planning.
We update our 5 Year Strategic Plan and each committee sets their Annual Action Plan…
Protected: Chewing On The Raw Data
November 20, 2017
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The Next Federal
Agricultural Policy Framework
March 10, 2017

Canada’s current policy framework, Growing Forward 2, expires in March 2018. The federal
government is working on replacing that policy. Today they released
Maple Tree Tapping in
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
March 4, 2017

While winter may bring a (temporary) halt to the harvesting of fruit and nuts, we Canadians know
that from approx. February – March our local maple trees start producing that liquid gold
sap! Understandably, we are often contacted by members of the community regarding our
involvement in and knowledge of tree tapping and syrup production. While we are happy to support
local initiatives such as…
Eating Ottawa’s Forests
and Farmland
December 8, 2016

Even in the past five years since starting Hidden Harvest, we’ve noticed that food-bearing
trees & forests in Ottawa are disappearing far faster than they are being planted.
These Google Earth Timelapse videos show just how quickly our city spreads. Take a look at the
changes between 1986 & 1996, then 1996 & 2006, then 2006 & 2016. What do you
Sure, building houses…
Fruit Goggles have gone digital.
June 1, 2016

Since starting the planning for Hidden Harvest Ottawa back in 2011 it is incredible to see how
much technology has changed.
When we started there was practically nothing. It was a matter of asking neighbours and putting
up our
“trees wanted” posters.
In 2012 Open Data initiatives were becoming a big…
Feeding People, Not Landfills
May 23, 2015

Food waste is the litter of the 21st century.
That is to say, people’s perception & understanding of food waste are changing today
in much the same way that people’s perception & understanding of litter changed back
in the 50’s & 60’s.
Let me begin with a short story:
These are apples under a tree in a City park. We raked up these 200lbs of apples into yardwaste…